Sony MZ-R37SP Portable Minidisc Player/Recorder

Sony MZ-R37SP Portable Minidisc Player/Recorder Reviews

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Ever since I got into MP3 I've needed a more practical way ofstoring them on the go. I was looking into MP3 players but realizedthat they couldn't store much music and upgrades were expensive. Butthanks to this Minidisc player, my problems have been solved. ...Cheaper than a CD burner and much cheaper than an MP3 player. Its easyto use, compact and delivers great sound quality. Its a little biggerthan the other players, but its also much more slim, making it easierto fit into your pocket. I love the folding headphones that come withit, and you'll never get used to another portable without aremote. Comparing MP3 to MD, obviously MD is the one to go with. Aflash card with 64 mb of ram can only old about 64 minutes ofmusic(probably less)...which is less than a whole minidisc. Flashcards can cost about -150 each, while a Minidisc with a guaranteedlength of 74 minutes is only about each. Minidiscs are better thanCD's, because you can title the songs, and even after you've recordedthe MD, you can move the tracks around.pThe battery life isexcellent. I can easily get 10-15 hours off my NiMH batteries. Iseriously reccomend picking two of these up, no matter what MD you gowith. With the built in charger, they will last you at least as longas Alkaline batteries, and you can charge them at anytime and it won'teffect the battery life. Not only that, but they charge within acouple of hours.pIt comes with an optical digital cable that canhook up to a digital source. My DVD player has this, and between theactual CD and the MD, I can't tell the difference after copying a CDin digital format. I still think the analog is good enough, the onlyproblem with analog is that sometimes you get a little backgroundnoise or it doesn't recognize when the track changes (which can easilybe fixed).pAbout the only other thing that can compare to the MDformat is those new Nomad things. They can hold a lot of music, butthey are expensive. And unless you plan on recording a garage full ofmusic, I would still reccomend MD.pSo no matter how you put it, ifyou love music, MD is the way to go. Even if it isn't this greatplayer. Product Description From the Manufacturer The MZ-R37SP is a reasonably priced portable MiniDisc player and recorder. It includes a big 40-second shock buffer. While the 40-second buffer should be enough to offer virtually skip-free operation while you exercise, most MD portables on the market these days deliver comparable protection. Product Description The MZ-R37SP is a reasonably priced portable MiniDisc player and recorder. It includes a big 40-second shock buffer. While the 40-second buffer should be enough to offer virtually skip-free operation while you exercise, most MD portables on the market these days deliver comparable protection. This unit comes with an optical digital connecting cable you can run from your CD player to the MZ-R37SP for recording. It also offers Digital Synchro Recording, which triggers the MD player's recording function the instant a signal is received from the CD player. What's more, this model's sample rate converter allows recording from digital sources recorded at different sampling rates without you having to make any adjustments. The MZ-R37SP includes Sony's AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System), which keeps the music from playing dangerously loud when activated. It also has the requisite "Mega Bass" bass boost system.

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Excellent buy. - N. Holmes - 11692
The Sony Mz-R37P is an excellent buy. I've seen it at Amazon for 9, but I was able to purchase it for at JandR Music World (, a highly reputable electronics store in NYC. Let me start off by stating that the R37 is in the phase out stage, so if you want to get one at these great prices, you better do it soon. The R37 is being replaced by other models, which have longer recording times (the R37's limit is 80 min.), can be hooked up to a computer for music downloads, come with a remote, AC power cord and only use 1 AA battery instead of 2. Now that I have stated everything the RZ37 is not, let me tell you what it is: In the product descriptions for this item, you will not find any mention that this great Mini Disc rec/player has a steel body, yet only weighs a little over a pound and is small and compact; has a line out jack, so that you can connect it to a stereo for play back; can be connected to a remote (purchased seperately); has the capibility to erase, move and name tracks (up to 1500 characters); has two levels of mega bass, which you will not even have to use, because the bass on the play back is so clear and tight; and has an AVLS function to limit the range of your dynamic digital recording to protect your hearing; and has the the standard stuff (like a locking mechanism) to boot. This guy (or gal, whatever you prefer) does it all. Buy it now if you are not ready to spend over 0 on a portable minidisc rec/player. Sony did it again. Oh, and it can use rechargeble batteries, too.

My new pocket pal - A 12-year old electronics fan - Washington DC
Small, great for the price, if you want a good low end price one where you get what you paid for, slips right down deep into my pocket, buy it!

Nov 04, 2010 13:15:04


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